Fabric Softener Ksa; Liquid Sheet Ball Types Eco Friendly Fragrant

Fabric Softener Ksa; Liquid Sheet Ball Types Eco Friendly Fragrant

Fabric softener Ksa with special formulation, high concentration and wonderful scent, makes all kinds of fabrics soft and smooth and ensures their long shelf life

Fabric Softener Ksa

Using detergents alone is not enough for fabrics, because some of these detergents cause the fabric to become dry and rough

In this case, a suitable fabric softener will make its texture soft and delicate and even fragrant, and you will feel pleasant

The texture of some fabrics is such that they absorb electricity, and this causes dust and hair particles to be absorbed on it

Ksa fabric softeners contain ingredients that remove static electricity from fabric that causes deep wrinkles

Another point about Ksa fabric softener is its simple production process

The use of softener prolongs the life of the fabric and preserves its quality

 Fabric Softener Ksa; Liquid Sheet Ball Types Eco Friendly Fragrant

Fabric Softener Ksa Features

One of the features of the high concentration KSA fabric softener is the long-lasting fragrance and formulation with the scent of spring flowers

These fabric softeners coat the surface of the fabric with charged particles and remove the fabric’s negative charge


Static Electricity Remover


Liquid, Sheet and Ball

Positive Point
Eco Friendly

On the other hand, by using softeners that help reduce fabric wrinkling, drying and ironing time is reduced

The use of this softener increases the life of the fabric, and despite this, when the fabric comes into contact with the skin, we feel its real softness and softness better than ever

Fabric softener is available in liquid, sheet and ball types

The use of this formulation is economical and very ECO friendly

 Fabric Softener Ksa; Liquid Sheet Ball Types Eco Friendly Fragrant

Buy Fabric Softener Ksa

When buying ksa fabric softener, consider various points to make the best choice

The first point is to pay attention to the fabric

This softener has special products for all kinds of clothes

In the next step, be careful not to be allergic to the fragrance of the conditioner

Another point that you should consider when buying is to pay attention to the description and catalog included on the softener, which you should make your purchase according to its indicated use

Buying from reputable agencies that have a guarantee of product authenticity is one of the other points that Babad took into consideration when buying

 Fabric Softener Ksa; Liquid Sheet Ball Types Eco Friendly Fragrant

Fabric Softener Price Ksa + Buy and Sell

Fluctuations in the price of ksa fabric softener in the market depend on various factors

One of the most obvious factors is the volume of this substance and its concentration

The scent used and the formulation used in the design of this product are other points that change its price

The manufacturer brand of this product is also one of the factors influencing its price due to the quality of its production

The type of packaging and whether it is solid or liquid are other points that cannot be ignored in determining the price of this product

Currently, the price of fabric softener price Ksa in a volume of ten liters and for washing curtain fabric is in the range of 7 to 9 dollars

To know more about the specifications of this product, our colleagues are ready to provide the necessary explanations

 Fabric Softener Ksa; Liquid Sheet Ball Types Eco Friendly Fragrant

The Answer to Two Questions About Fabric Softener

1: What types of fabric softener are available?
Fabric softener is available in liquid, sheet and ball types

2: What is the use of fabric softener?
These fabric softeners coat the surface of the fabric with charged particles and remove the fabric’s negative charge

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